Saturday, March 6, 2021



One of the most popular amenities in the Inland Empire is the 21-mile Regional Pacific Electric Trail that spans five cities: Montclair, Upland, Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana, and Rialto.  During the world-wide pandemic, gyms were forced to close, leaving most of us with safety restrictions to find other ways to get our physical exercise.  Here in the Inland Empire, we are fortunate to have a Class I bike path to walk our dogs, commute, run on or ride our bikes and fortunately remained open 365 days a year, 24/7.  Last Spring the Friends of the Pacific Electric Trail produced a “Safe Distancing” safety video last spring to help encourage and remind trail users to wear face coverings and use safe distancing while using the PE Trail.


Towards the end of 2020, the City of Rancho Cucamonga was notified that they were the recipient of a $75,000 grant from the County of San Bernardino County’s CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund.  Along with the NFC National Fitness Campaign awarding a $30,000 grant to the City of Rancho Cucamonga. These funds were made possible to help municipalities address exercise options due to the public health pandemic COVID 19. 


These monies had to be spent in 2020 and implementing a plan, selecting a location at Central Park, and completing the project was due to the city departments working together to make it happen in such a tight production schedule.  All the planets aligned, and the Team decided to add a Fitness Court which is an open-air exercise amenity adjacent to the PE Trail.  The 7 minutes – 7 movements exercise system is designed to be efficient due to the simplicity of using your own body weight as part of the exercise.  We visited the Fitness Court last week and saw other residents stopping to try it out.  There is a free Fitness Court App for users to download on their phones and a guide posted for easy reference.


The Fitness Court amenity compliments the Healthy RC initiative and the city’s commitment to wellness.  Amenities on the PE Trail enhance the user experience and we salute the City of Rancho Cucamonga for responding to these grant opportunities in a short time frame to bring a great exercise amenity for our residents to enjoy.  Have you visited the new Fitness Court at Central Park, please comment below?

Victoria Jones, Friend of the Pacific Electric Trail

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